You need a Penal Compliance ?
The Penal Code’s new reform of 2015 establishes that legal persons will be criminally responsible for crimes committed by their managers or employees.
Why Penal Compliance is necessary ?
Because most of the crimes are committed in consequences of a lack of knowledge.
And the consequences can be disastrous for your business...
- High economic sanctions.
- Loss of tax benefits and subsidies.
- Closure of premises and establishments.
- Dissolution of the company.
- The responsibility of the administrator.
Objectives and compliance
This compliance model aims to establish several principles, rules and values that must be followed within the company * IE *.
It governs not only the behavior of workers but also their relationships with other clients, partners, external collaborators, or even with the public sector … His main interest is to ensure adequate behavior necessary for good professional development. Therefore, this compliance is establishing a series of rules that constitute a true code. The respect of this code will be ensured by the principle of criminal responsibility included in the Spanish legal system, giving rise to a series of criminally punished crimes.To comply, it is necessary :

- Have a professional behavior adjusted to this set of rules.
- Opt for a collaborative and responsible attitude towards the various work situations.
- Privilege the ethical principles to follow in the field of work.
Application area
This set of rules of conduct is addressed to all workers of the company * IE *, including workers from different sectors, working partners and collaborators regardless of the position they occupy in the company or the place where they perform their job.
The management of the company * IE * is committed to provide all necessary means to fulfill its objectives, values and missions.
This code of conduct is not intended to regulate all behaviors that may exist within the professional activity but to establish guidelines for guidance.