Criminal law defines the offense of exhibitionism in article 185 of the Penal Code as « to execute or cause to be carried out to another person acts of obscene exhibitionism in the presence of minors or persons with disabilities in need of protection special ».
Penalty in case of sexual exhibitionism : imprisonment from six months to one years and a fine of twelve to twenty four months.
The legal good that the criminal law protects in this case the psychological well-being of the child or disabled person in need of special protection.
- Active subject: la persona (hombre o mujer) que lleva a cabo o ordena la ejecución de actos exhibicionistas obscenos sobre el sujeto pasivo.
- Passive subject: a minor of 18 years or a persons with disabilities in need of protection special.
Action: executes or ordain to executes the performance of obscene exhibitionist acts on minor of 18 years or a persons with disabilities in need of protection special.
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